Emmy Kastner


I've drawn many pictures of dogs and monsters in my life, many of which you could find on the edges of math homework and science tests. I've always been a storyteller, learning the art of exaggeration early on. 

My husband and I live in Kalamazoo, Michigan with our three young kids. Iā€™m forever looking to be surrounded by books, food and laughter (in any order). I spend my days in my studio that lives above our coffee shop, Factory Coffee.

As a former classroom teacher, I taught high school English Language Arts, Biology, and Integrated Science. I'm cofounder of Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK) ā€” a literacy-focused nonprofit modeled after 826 National. RAWK is devoted to celebrating and amplifying youth voices through the cultivation of reading and writing skills, via joy, creativity, equity and access.

My debut picture book series, Nerdy Babies, hits shelves May 2019 with Roaring Brook Press. (mackids.com)